General Feeder Pattern Information

What is a Feeder Pattern?

A feeder-pattern school is a school that a students has the right to attend based on completion of the terminal grade of a student’s current school.  This assignment only happens during the years a student moves from elementary to middle school, or from middle school to high school, or from an education campus to high school.


What is a geographic feeder pattern?

Geographic Feeder Pattern schools are grouped by school boundary and proximity.  Geographic feeder pattern rights extend to students who enrolled in a school through a formal placement as well as to those who enrolled out-of-boundary through the My School DC lottery. Geographic feeder pattern rights do not extend to students who enroll as in-boundary students and then move out of boundary, or to out-of-boundary students to withdraw

Our Feeder Pattern

Eastern Senior High School

1700 East Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC, 20002

(202) 698 – 4500

[email protected]

Jefferson MS Academy

801 7th St. SW, Washington, DC, 20024

(202) 729-3270

[email protected]


Amidon- Bowen Elementary

401 I St. SW, Washington, DC, 20024

(202) 724-4867

[email protected]


Tyler Elementary School

1001 G St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003

(202) 939-4810

[email protected]


Brent Elementary School

301 North Carolina Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003

(202) 698-3363

[email protected]


Van Ness Elementary School

1150 5th St. SW, Washington, DC, 20003

(202) 727-4314

[email protected]



**Students who complete 5th grade at Thomson ES have the option to enroll at Jefferson MS Academy for 6th grade

Additional Resources:

SY21-22 School Feeder Patterns

Feeder FAQ
My School DC

DCPS Feeder Booklet

School Feeder Patterns

DCPS Middle School Booklet
Find My In-Boundary School




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